Warrants - Listing Confirmation::Product Listings

Issuer & Securities

Issuer/ Manager
HKEX MB ECW250103 - SGXN85912289 - VSHW
SINGTEL MB ECW250131 - SGXN36958886 - XIBW
BYD MB EPW250103 - SGXN22216109 - GOYW
KEPPEL MB ECW241227 - SGXN87599647 - Z9UW
HKEX MB EPW250103 - SGXN46682625 - 55YW
SINGTEL MB EPW250131 - SGXN49981511 - FMXW

Announcement Details

Announcement Title
Warrants - Listing Confirmation
Date &Time of Broadcast
01-Jul-2024 13:35:15
Announcement Sub Title
Product Listings
Announcement Reference
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name)
Securities Market Control
Effective Start Date of the Event
02/07/2024 09:00:00
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below)

DISCLAIMER: This announcement was prepared and issued by the named Issuer/ Manager to the Exchange. The Exchange assumes no responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements made, opinions expressed or reports contained in this announcement and is posting this announcement on SGXNet for the sole purpose of dissemination only. In the event of any queries or clarification required in respect of any matters arising from this announcement, such queries are to be made to the named Issuer/ Manager directly and not to the Exchange. The Exchange shall not be liable for any losses or damages howsoever arising as a result of the circulation, publication and dissemination of this announcement.