Warrants - Listing Confirmation::Listing of Daily Leverage Certificates (DLCs)

Issuer & Securities

Issuer/ Manager
GENTING 5XLONGSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375052391 - DFUW
NASDAQ 7XLONGSOCGEN 260226 - LU2375052805 - TQQW
OCBC 5XLONGSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375051666 - DIOW
OCBC 5XSHORTSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375052474 - DFWW
S&P 7XLONGSOCGEN 260226 - LU2375052631 - SPXW
SIMSCI 5XLONGSOCGEN 260226 - LU2375051401 - CVJW
SIMSCI 5XSHORTSOCGEN 260226 - LU2375051583 - CWPW
CITYDEV 5XLONGSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375051823 - DCVW
DBS 5XLONGSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375051740 - DENW
DBS 5XSHORTSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375052557 - DEOW
DJIA 7XLONGSOCGEN 260226 - LU2375052714 - UDOW
SIMSCI 7XLONGSOCGEN 260226 - LU2375051310 - CYNW
SIMSCI 7XLONGSOCGEN 260226A - LU2375051237 - CXLW
UOB 5XLONGSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375052045 - DJSW
VENTURE 5XLONGSOCGEN 250226 - LU2375052128 - DCXW

Announcement Details

Announcement Title
Warrants - Listing Confirmation
Date &Time of Broadcast
27-Feb-2023 10:19:40
Announcement Sub Title
Listing of Daily Leverage Certificates (DLCs)
Announcement Reference
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name)
Securities Market Control
Effective Date and Time of the event
28/02/2023 09:00:00
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below)
Listing of Daily Leverage Certificates (DLCs)

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