Delisting of Security::Mandatory

Issuer & Securities

Issuer/ Manager
HSTECH 7XLONGSOCGEN 251029 - LU2375063323 - CYSW

Announcement Details

Announcement Title
Delisting of Security
Date &Time of Broadcast
11-Oct-2024 17:12:49
Announcement Reference
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name)
Marcus Ng
Vice President
Narrative Type
Narrative Text
Additional TextSG Issuer refers to the announcement dated 8 October 2024 on its intention to terminate the Securities and delist the Securities from the Official List of the SGX-ST. As stated in the announcement, the Securities have lost 100% of its value and the trading activities for the Securities will be permanently suspended.
Additional TextSG Issuer wishes to announce that the SGX-ST has no objection to the proposed early termination and delisting of the Securities. The SGX-ST decision is not an indication of the merits of the proposed delisting.
Additional TextThe Securities will be terminated in accordance with Conditions 13(c) and 13(d) of the terms and conditions of the Securities and delisted from the Official List of the SGX-ST with effect from the Effective Date and Time stated herein. Holders of the Securities will not receive any payment in respect of the Securities upon such early termination.
Additional TextHolders of the Securities who are in any doubt as to the action they should take should consult their stockbrokers, bank managers, accountants, solicitors or other professional advisers immediately.

Event Dates

Effective Date of the Delisting