Change - Announcement of Cessation::Resignation of Lead Independent Director

Issuer & Securities

Issuer/ Manager
Stapled Security

Announcement Details

Announcement Title
Change - Announcement of Cessation
Date &Time of Broadcast
05-Jul-2021 20:50:07
Announcement Sub Title
Resignation of Lead Independent Director
Announcement Reference
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name)
Tan Wee Sin
Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below)
This Announcement has been reviewed by the Company's Sponsor, Asian Corporate Advisors Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor"). It has not been examined or approved by the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "Exchange") and the Exchange assumes no responsibility for the contents of this Announcement, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this announcement.

The contact person for the Sponsor is Ms Foo Quee Yin, at 160 Robinson Road, #21-05 SBF Center, Singapore 068914, Telephone number: 6221 0271

Additional Details

Name Of Person
Er Kwong Wah
Is effective date of cessation known?
If yes, please provide the date
Detailed Reason (s) for cessation
Mr. Er Kwong Wah ("Mr. Er") has decided to focus on his other obligations and commitments by virtue of his directorships in other companies. He will be devoting a substantial amount of his working hours as the Lead Independent Director to comply with the Notice of Compliance issued by SGX RegCo to another troubled listed company.

After having interviewed Mr. Er and to the best of its knowledge, the Sponsor is satisfied that save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no other material reasons for the cessation of Mr. Er as Lead Independent Director of the Company.
Are there any unresolved differences in opinion on material matters between the person and the board of directors, including matters which would have a material impact on the group or its financial reporting?
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer?
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer?
Date of Appointment to current position
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this cessation)?
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this cessation)
Number of cessations of appointments specified in Listing Rule 704 (7) or Catalist Rule 704 (6) over the past 12 months
Job Title (e.g. Lead ID, AC Chairman, AC Member etc.)
Lead Independent Director, Chairman of Audit Committee and a member of the Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee
Role and responsibilities
Lead Independent Director of the Company
Familial relationship with any director and/ or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries
Shareholding interest in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries?
Past (for the last 5 years)
China Environment Ltd
GKE Corporation Limited
Firstlink Investment Corporation Limited
USP Group Limited
China Dongyuan Environment Pte. Ltd.
Firstlink Capital Pte. Ltd.
Firstlink Investment Advisory Pte. Ltd.
Glopeak Land Pte Ltd
Glopeak Properties And Hotels Pte Ltd
Singatronics Investment Pte Ltd
Keluarga International Pte Ltd
East Asia Institute Management Pte Ltd
Success Dragon International Holdings Ltd (in Hong Kong)
Raffles Institution (S) Pte Ltd
Raffles Junior College (S) Pte Ltd
China Essence Group Ltd (delisted on 14 February 2020) (in Cayman Island)
Firstlink Capital Management Pte. Ltd.
Firstlink Payment Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Hosted Patio Pte. Ltd.
MJ Health Services Pte. Ltd.
Portico (Prime) Pte. Ltd.
Portico Holdings Pte. Ltd.
Chaswood Resources Holdings Ltd (Suspended)
Exquisite Concierge Pte Ltd (fka Glopeak Investment Pte Ltd)
China Oilfield Technology Services Group Ltd
Firstlink Energy Pte Ltd
China Sky Chemical Fibre Co. Ltd (to be delisted)
Full Apex (Holdings) Limited
ecoWise Holdings Limited
COSCO Shipping International (Singapore) Co., Ltd
The Place Holdings Limited
Luxking Group Holdings Ltd
The Thai Prime Fund Limited
RHT Training Institute Pte. Ltd.