General Announcement::Modifications to Certificates

Issuer & Securities

Issuer/ Manager
AREIT 5XLONGSOCGEN 221208 - LU1986495031 - DXAW
AREIT 5XLONGSOCGEN 230404 - LU1986497086 - DQAW
CAPINV 5XLONGSOCGEN231115 - LU2267114069 - NXEW
CITYDEV 5XLONGSOCGEN 220331 - LU2184322472 - DQIW
CITYDEV 5XLONGSOCGEN 220630 - LU1919227865 - DCLW
CITYDEV 5XLONGSOCGEN 230404 - LU1986496948 - DEUW
COMFORT 5XLONGSOCGEN231115 - LU2267114226 - MQVW
DBS 5XLONGSOCGEN 230713 - LU2267110075 - DQEW
GENTING 5XLONGSOCGEN 220225 - LU1831293920 - DNEW
GENTING 5XLONGSOCGEN 230420 - LU1986497599 - DUBW
KEPCORP 5XLONGSOCGEN 230920 - LU1986501705 - DKEW
OCBC 5XLONGSOCGEN 221201 - LU1986494810 - DMUW
SGX 5XLONGSOCGEN 220630 - LU1919227949 - DGRW
SIA 5XLONGSOCGEN 220630 - LU1919228087 - DSIW
SIA 5XLONGSOCGEN 230420 - LU1986497243 - DKKW
SIA 5XLONGSOCGEN 230713 - LU2267110158 - DTGW
SIMSCI 5XLONGSOCGEN 230420 - LU1986497912 - CVPW
SIMSCI 5XSHORTSOCGEN 230420 - LU1986498050 - CYTW
SIMSCI 7XLONGSOCGEN 220225 - LU1919222478 - GDEW
SIMSCI 7XLONGSOCGEN 230404 - LU1986497169 - CZAW
SIMSCI 7XSHORTSOCGEN 230712 - LU1986500053 - CZSW
SIMSCI 7XSHORTSOCGEN 231215 - LU2184316409 - CZDW
SINGTEL 5XLONGSOCGEN 231214 - LU1986504550 - DBYW
THAIBEV 5XLONGSOCGEN231115 - LU2267114572 - QAHW
UOB 5XLONGSOCGEN 230713 - LU2267110232 - DHBW
VENTURE 5XLONGSOCGEN 230713 - LU2267110315 - DBHW
WILMAR 5XLONGSOCGEN 220225 - LU1919222049 - DFHW
YZJ 5XLONGSOCGEN 231115 - LU2267114739 - X1KW
Stapled Security

Announcement Details

Announcement Title
General Announcement
Date &Time of Broadcast
18-Feb-2022 20:43:13
Announcement Sub Title
Modifications to Certificates
Announcement Reference
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name)
Allen & Gledhill LLP / Wang Rui
Legal Executive
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below)
Modifications relating to the Terms of Spreadlevel, Rate, Benchmark Fallback Provisions and etc. Please see attached for further information.
